21 août 2007

Cassé- ça marche pas- my blog is not working anymore

And i don't know how to fix it. I have had this problem for some times now, and it's worsening, I even can't open the comments down there.
Ce blog est cassé, je ne sais plus quoi faire, je ne peux plus cliquer sur aucun lien, je ne peux même pas ouvrir mes commentaires.

3 commentaires:

Yoga Gal a dit…

Bummer about your blog! Don't they have a Geek Quad in France? You have some beautiful photos on it! Good luck with getting your blog back up in order!

tweetey30 a dit…

I have no idea how to fix that. I know sometimes when I have problems like that I always back out and come back in but that is usually with some one elses blog and not mine. Oh boy dilema. As Helene. She seems to know more than both of us with this here.

tweetey30 a dit…
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