The Pillars of the Earth is a historical novel by Ken Follett published in 1989 about the building of a cathedral in Kingsbridge, England. It is set in the middle of the 12th century.
The photos are of Wells Cathedral, similar to the one described in the novel.
Built between 1175 and 1490, Wells Cathedral has been described as “the most poetic of the English Cathedrals”.
The book traces the development of Gothic Architecture out of the preceding Romanesque Architecture and the fortunes of the Kingsbridge priory against the backdrop of actual historical events of the time.
Je suis désolée de rester partie si longtemps de la Blogosphère et de rater toutes vos posts toujours interressants et agréables à lire.
Ah, mais voilà, je viens de tomber dans un roman passionnant, et je ne veux plus le quitter:
Les Piliers de la terre, de Ken Follett raconte la construction d'une cathédrale dans une ville anglaise fictive du même nom au XIIe siècle, Kingsbridge n'ayant jamais eu de cathédrale,
j'ai fait le rapprochement avec une véritable Cathédrale, celle de Wells, petit bijou d'art Gothique du XIIe siècle que nous avons eu le plaisir de visiter lors de notre voyage en Angleterre en octobre dernier.
Le roman mêle les tensions entre le pouvoir monarchique convoité par l'église, réalité historique, et les rivalités familiales et amoureuses entre des personnages issus de couches sociales très différentes, allant du hors-la-loi au comte en passant par l'artisan en quête de travail.
Une suite, intitulée Un monde sans fin (World Without End) est parue en 2008.
Until this novel was published, Follett had previously been known for writing in the thriller genre. The Pillars of the Earth became Follett's best-selling work.
The book was listed #33 on the BBC's Big Read, a 2003 survey with the goal of finding the "Nation's Best-loved Book." The book was also selected for Oprah's Book Club in 2007.
A sequel, titled World Without End, was released in October 2007.
Une suite, intitulée Un monde sans fin (World Without End) est parue en 2008.
Until this novel was published, Follett had previously been known for writing in the thriller genre. The Pillars of the Earth became Follett's best-selling work.
The book was listed #33 on the BBC's Big Read, a 2003 survey with the goal of finding the "Nation's Best-loved Book." The book was also selected for Oprah's Book Club in 2007.
A sequel, titled World Without End, was released in October 2007.
Une grande partie de mon texte a été emprunté à Wikipedia.
9 commentaires:
I'll have to look for that book at the library - but I'm sure if I find it at a bookstore and buy it, my Mom would love to read it. We sure don't get architecture like they had back then. Will anything built in the last 25 years or so survive 500 years? I doubt it.
Wow, it is so beautiful. I have visited many countries in this half of the planet but none on the other half of the planet. The long journey is one reason. I hope to visit Europe in a few years time when hubby retired. :)
J'ai adoré ce roman... bien que parfois un peu fastidieux...
Tu aimeras peut-être "Le Printemps des Pierres" de M. Peyramaure...
(Je n'ai pas réussi à retrouver mon exemplaire... donc pas de synopsis)
Oh je l'ai!!! je vais le re lire tiens! venarde que tu es d'avoir vu en vrai!
WOW..KITEM :) what a building..the colour, is too beautiful. I want to go there :D
C'est toujours fascinant ces cathédrales ! Quand on pense aux heures et aux heures de travail et à la souffrance physique que tous ces hommes ont pu endurer pour les bâtir, j'en reste à chaque fois admirative...
Sounds like a great book. Will have to look for it also. Take your time. I know what its like getting into a book and not wanting to stop..
Sounds like an interesting book. Cathedrals and castles are so very interesting. When we lived in Okinawa, touring the castle ruins was something that I did not get to do enough. If you stop and listen you can practicaly hear the history calling out to you.
It is okay that you have been busy reading. I have missed you indeed but I must admit I haven't been in blogland much myself either.
Blessings to you my friend.
Bonjour Kitem,
Comme c'est amusant : c'est un des livres que mon mari a regardé hier soir chez Mme Lignes d'horizon la libraire de la place de l'église de Saujon
Et grace à ton commentaire je pense aller lui acheter dès samedi, pendant qu'il en reste encore !
Merci Kitem de nous faire ainsi partager ton plaisir
Es tu allée au salon du livre de la rochelle la semaine dernière ?
Bonne fin de semaine
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