Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain .The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes regarded as the "Celtic New Year". Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient Celtic pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores
L'Halloween est une fête traditionnelle à laquelle on attribue une lointaine origine celtique : il y a 2000 ans, les Celtes fêtaient, pendant sept jours, le changement d'année – appelé Samonios en Gaule, Samain en Irlande – aux environs du 1er novembre. Importée, pour finir, sur le continent nord-américain par les immigrants catholiques irlandais – l'Irlande ayant été évangélisée très tardivement au VIe siècle, c'est le pays où la fête de Samhain a subsisté le plus longtemps.
The term Halloween is shortened from All Hallows' Even (both "even" and "eve" are abbreviations of "evening", but "Halloween" gets its "n" from "even") as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day",which is now also known as All Saints' Day. It was a day of religious festivities in various northern European Pagan traditions
(Source Wikipedia)
9 commentaires:
Interesting to know the origins of Halloween. We dont celebrate halloween over here. Those that celebrate are expatriates and those in the toruism/hotel/restaurant/PUB businesses.
All wonderful images Kitem, tks for sharing, here's wishing you a great weekend..have fun and dont be good :D
Bonjour Kitem !
Je vois que nous avons les mêmes lectures, et les mêmes sources...
Par contre, Tes photos sont splendides...
A bientôt !
Joli post, et jolie fête !
Que de traditions qui ont traversé les siècles, avec transformations, pas toujours avec profit !
Merci de nous faire partager tes connaisances et à bientôt.
Greetings on a most sacred and propitious day.
How do you do it in France? Do you celebrate Halloween in a way? Here children started to go from house to house begging for sweets or made little parties. But I think the peak has already reached and people have recognized that this custom won't establish in our country. But pumpkins are "in" and this already for several years.
Culture et tradition si joliment illustrées....
Interesting post. I love the stone carvings.
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