C'est la vue de mon balcon, jusqu'a tres loin dans le detroit de Malacca, on voit souvent des bateaux de guerre passe, parce que juste en face a Lumut, il y a une base navale, et les bateaux sortent a la recherche des pirates qui sevissent dans le detroit.
Ma copine Yoke Len, couverte, chapeautee, cremee de plussieurs couches d'ecran solaire total a quand meme reussi, a son grand desespoir a bronzer un peu, le chic pour elle et ses comparses etant de rester tres blanche, elle n'aime pas ca, faire fille de la campagne!
My friend Yoke Len gets many layers of protection against the sun, trousers, long sleeves, broad hat and total sunscreen, she still managed to get some tan, to her dismay, she wants to stay white.
Which is not my concern, I like to get some colors, de mon cote, j'aime bien avoir un peu de bronzage, il donne bonne mine, et je fais aussi attention a ma peau.
Derriere moi, l'ile de Pangkor, je suis sur le continent.
Le bout de la plage, il y a une petite crique sur la droite, un ruisselet descend des collines de jungle derriere. On dirait Un petit morceau d'Eden.
There is creek on the right, hidden in the rain forest, a small stream coming from the hill makes this place looking like a piece of Eden.
9 commentaires:
Beautiful scenery!
There is nothing better than digging your toes in the sand and bathing in the salt water.
There is something about it that cannot be equalled.
Hahaha, I think I will be like your friend, wearing hat or hiding under an umbrella. I guess asian do not like to be tan.
Beautiful view from your balcony.
Hm.sounds like heaven!! time to go to the beach :D
How lucky you are! I am with you in spirit. I love the beach too.
Funny how white people like to get darker and darker people want to be whiter.
Really you are usually alone on the beach? As much as I love company....that would be so nice to have a beach to myself. Over here on the NW coast it is alway teaming with people no matter what time of year or weather. There was only once when we had a California beach to ourselves and after playing for a couple of hours we finally saw the sign that warned us it was a dangerous beach with high tides that pull people out. Oops!
Magnifique tes photos ...
J'adore la plage. Adorez-juste la ! ! !
I'd die for such a beach...
lovely and quiet !!!
My dream !!!
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