You all know that before ou start working for Mac Donald's or any other outlet dealing with clients and customers, when you are training to be a cashier at Carrefour or Waitrose, one of the main teaching is SMILE.
Smile to your clients, be polite, welcoming and do your best to help them.
I suppose that before being hired at the French Consulate in London, civil servants are taught just the opposite.
-Don't smile
-Try to be as rude as you can do to your customers.
-Do your best to be as unpleasant as possible.
-Let them forget that you are supposed to be at their service, paid by the people of France, and impose upon them an attitude of superiority, you are the civil servants working at the French Consulate of London after all, and they are here to demand some service to you, a new passport for example, and the customer must understand that you are kind enough to do the work for them.
13 commentaires:
Civil servants are the same the world over. They are not civil and they aren't very good at serving.
Unbelievable. It's not like you would be going there to mess up their day but because yours already is.
Kitem, is it for real? Over here we just write a letter of complaint in the forum in the papers...hehehe.
There are many friendly and nice civil servants and also many not so nice civil servants. We have a courtesy campaign where they need to wear a badge with a smile and a mirror was placed at some telephone operators to remind them to smile. But the nightmare now is that most calls are automated and it is frustrating just to reach one department.
Oui..seriously? and I thought we have them here only ;p
Self serving civil service people? I guess it is universal everywhere. Gosh I am so sorry. I am reading between the lines and figuring you had a hard time dealt to you. That is frustrating to be sure. I do hope all is well now for you and your family.
Love and blessings to you.
Cetencormoi Brigitte
Oups ! je ne comprends plus très bien l'anglais, je ne l'ai étudié que pendant quelques 7 ans il y en a 40.... mais j'ai bien compris le sens de ton message ! Je ne ferai pas la Séglène en te présentant les excuses du peuple de France, je crains le ridicule ! mais j'espère que tout va s'arranger au plus vite, ton jardin t'attend in France
oula...mauvais moment apparement...
Hahaha, it was too funny and too ludicrous to be upsetting.As long as we get the little one's passport we dont care! :D
Et bien dis donc , quelle image ils donnent de nous !
J'espere quand même qu'ils ne sont pas tous comme celà !!!
What universal attitude!
花蓮入口網|花蓮|花蓮民宿|花蓮民宿訂房諮詢服務|花蓮美食|花蓮民宿|花蓮旅遊|花蓮|花蓮電影|花蓮|花蓮民宿|花蓮海洋公園|花蓮縣長|花蓮遠來飯店|花蓮提拉米蘇|花蓮客運|蜂蜜|花蓮太魯閣|花蓮廣告|花蓮旅遊|花蓮地圖|花蓮旅遊|花蓮民宿|花蓮房屋|花蓮旅遊|花蓮民宿|花蓮汽車|花蓮餐廳|花蓮旅館|花蓮瑞穗牧場|花蓮名產|花蓮民宿|花蓮租屋|花蓮理想大地|花蓮民宿|花蓮廣告|花蓮黃頁 網路電話簿|花蓮民宿|花蓮計程車|花蓮餐廳|花蓮租車旅遊資訊網|花蓮入口網 IN HUALIEN 吃喝玩樂樣樣通|花蓮旅遊|花蓮|花蓮|花蓮|花蓮|花蓮|花蓮
Oh!!! I guess this is true for many Consulates from many countries all around the world...!!!
Qu'il est beau ton jardin!
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