1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
C'est Mélanie du petit cabinet de curiosité qui m'a taguée pour le week end.
1-Je suis française, j'habite en France...
1- dans une jolie petite ville de province.
1-I live in a small and nice country town, in France, I am French.
2-I also live in another Country, Malaysia, it is my second home.
2-J'habite aussi en Malaisie, c'est mon deuxième pays.
3- De Malaisie ma vie a evoluée jusqu'a devenir malaisienne. Ma belle fille Anna est malaisienne.
3-My daughter in law Anna is Malaisian. Mon gendre Alex est malaisien, Hélène's husband Alex is Malaisian too. The baby here is Antoine, not theirs, from Nicolas et Emilie, j'ai oublié de mettre leur photo.
4-After sometimes, my life has turned around, my first grand son Jacques is Malaysian and Doesn't even speak French.
4-Aprés quelques années toute ma vie est devenue malaisienne, mon premier petit fils, Jacques est malaisien et ne parle pas français. 2-Nicolas, second grand son cute and clever doesn't speak French either and is Malaysian too.
2-L'adorable Nicolas est malaisien aussi et ne parle pas français non plus. 5- Anna's parents at Chinese New Year tea ceremony.
5- La céremonie du thé, tout comme pour les parents d'Anna, n'a plus de secret pour moi. 6-I live in too many different places
6- J'habite dans beaucoup d'endroits differents, c'est presque trop, même si je suis ravie de voyager et de voir le monde.
6-Ile d'Oléron
6-Labastide de Virac
6-Penang, la Malaisie, et aussi Londres et un peu de Grande Bretagne, l'Espagne avec les copains, et les voyages découvertes dans le monde et aux alentours.
6-Penang in Malaysia, and Kuala Lumpur, and London, and Great Britain, don't forget Spain with friends and a few other "one shot" places worth visiting.
7-But my true self is here, in my garden, I enjoy beeing there, with my dirty hands, my heart feeling contented and happy.
7- Mais ma vrai vie est ici, dans mon jardin, j'aime travailler là les mains sales, et le coeur heureux de toute cette richesse que la vie m'a apporté et de savoir que ma petite famille se porte bien.
Je tague, you've been tagged in return:
16 commentaires:
Thank you Kitem for tagging me. I have left a reply in my post in the comment page. I had been tagged before and had already post some info. about myself.
You can read the link in the comment section.
Your photos are lovely and the information very interesting.
My dearest D, thanks a million for tagging me and i've done this tag earlier, but thanks for thinking of me.
I'd say it's 7 wonderful things about you, different and special (not the usual French life) but that's make it so unique!!
So, having any plans to come back here again? hugs always :)
You have lived in some very interesting places.
I will have to think of something interesting to post. I might need some time for this. hmmm.
Une très belle vie remplie de bonheurs !Gros gros bisous. Mimie
I would love to visit
france and England some day.
Bonjour Madame. Merci beaucoup.
I shall respond to your tag this week.
I loved learning about you. You're absolutely fascinating!
ok my friend I did it.
I enjoyed reading your Moi-Moi. You certainly have strong ties to Malaysia and it looks like a beautiful country. I've visited N.Kate's blog before, she always has gorgeous photos to show us.
Your one photo of the woman wading in the water could almost be a painting - it is lovely.
I see you joined Shelfari - I just joined recently and will be sending you an invitation to be my friend. I'm still figuring out how to use Shelfari.
thank you for the tag. i played it in my recent post. have a nice day.
Merci pour tes réponses !
Grace à ces tags on apprend à mieux connaitre nos amis(es) de la blogosphère !
Mais j'ai une question, comment tes 2 enfants se sont mariés avec des malaisiens ??? Les malaisiens seraient ils les meilleurs époux(ses) du monde ??
Kitem! I did it! Visit my blog to learn how fascinating I am!
Beautiful. I cant believe how big Antoine has gotten. Wow. He is what 14 months now at least?? If not familiar with my lingo I mean 1 year 2 months old already??
I finally posted but forgot to tag anyone. oops
I was tagged by ortho. i did mine today. I love hearing about places you have lived.
Thanks for filling us in with your
wonderful family pictures. And thanks for the tag, I'll think really hard for my answers.
I like your pasta necklace :-)
Tu as une très belle vie je trouve !
Profite un max ...
Moi j'habite Orléans , Orléans et Orléans ... lol
Et parfois je voudrais bien en sortir !!!!
De beaux petits enfants que tu as aussi !
Félicitations !
Dit une question me vient , tu n'est pas obligé de répondre ...
Pourquoi tes petits enfants ne parle pas le français ?
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