23 juin 2008

Guess where I am

Ce n'est pas difficile de deviner ou je suis. I am sorry for not visiting your blog, dear blogfriends, as I am busy visiting the city. Je prie d'excuser mes cher lecteur de ne pas être une lectrice assidue, et de ne pas commenter sur vos blogs.
Je serai encore absente quelque temps de la blogosphère.
I am going to travel for sometimes.
I just love Paris.
Paris est magnifique, j'adore, surtout quand on y est que pour le plaisir, et puis je pars en voyage.

14 commentaires:

Jeannie a dit…

One day, I will get there too. Once Gary retires, or our son can handle the paving for an extended time, we plan to visit family in Ireland then do a haphazard tour of Europe, jumping on cheap commuter flights between countries. We definitely wouldn't miss Paris.

Jules~ a dit…

Oh if you could hear me gasp in realization of where you are. How wonderful for you to be walking the streets of Paris. I am excited to hear all about it.

alicesg a dit…

Wow beautiful Paris. Lucky you. :) I can visualize you shopping at Chanel. I have never visited Paris, hope to go there one day. Have a nice vacation.

Barbara a dit…

Moi aussi, j'aime Paris! Une ville vivante, interessante et charmante. C'est toujours un grand plaisir d'y retourner. Bonnes vacances et bon voyage!

Mélanie a dit…

Ah! BRAVO ! tu nous laisses tomber pour la ville lumière ...ces't du joli ! Passes un bon moment

tweetey30 a dit…

Beautiful. That is fine enjoy your travels and just keep us posted with photo's and such. We will forgive you for not visiting when you are going to such beautiful places and taking us with you through your photo's.

none a dit…

Keep the photos coming. They are great!

Anonyme a dit…

Have a wonderful time in Paris.

Unknown a dit…

Enjoy the trip my friend, if there is one place i want to revisit is the Louvre!! Such a fascinating plcae...reminds me now of the movie the Da vinci code :) Chanel? I'll look from the outside will be fine :)

LisennBreizh a dit…

Profites bien !

Anonyme a dit…

Enjoy your visit! I was almost there this spring.

Come Away With Me a dit…

Oui, I couldn't agree more, Paris est magnifique! Lucky you to be close enough to visit often...

Vérone a dit…

Bonne Vacances et profite bien de ton Voyage !!!
Que du bonheur ...
Fait nous plein de belles photos , pour le plaisir des yeux !!!

Vérone a dit…

Bonne Vacances et profite bien de ton Voyage !!!
Que du bonheur ...
Fait nous plein de belles photos , pour le plaisir des yeux !!!