04 janvier 2008

Les Babas et les Nonyas

Un peu de l'histoire de mon deuxième pays, La Malaisie. J'étais en train de regarder les photos avec Picassa quand je suis tombée sur cette photo faite par ma fille (chérie et adorée) de la petite table au pied de l'escalier de la chambre des amoureux, c'est la chambre de leur mariage, j'ai fait l'essai "blog this" directement avec Picassa, mais j'ai l'impression que la photo est plus petite.
These trays are from ancient China, they were brought to Malaysia by the migrants looking for better fortune in faraway lands. They mostly came "imported" by the ruler of the time, the great Raj.
First, they had a difficult life, working at clearing the jungle for new plantations of latex, and working in tin mines. Slowly they rise and made better living for themselves and their descendants.
They became richer and imported more beautiful object from the Land of their origines.
They developped their culture.
They were called Baba for men, Nonya for the ladies.
I use to buy some of their fond douvenir when I go to visit my Malaysian-Chinese relatives.
I will talk about the Peranakan culture a few time again before I leave to Kuala Lumpur at the end of the month.
Le prochain billet sera en Français.

6 commentaires:

none a dit…

I think those are very elegant.

I had to look at a closeup at the design. The patterns seem almost impressionist. Because from afar I thought they were inalaid.

Anonyme a dit…

elles sont splendides ces photos!! biises micky

tweetey30 a dit…

Oh beautiful. They are so pretty I dont have words to describe what I am thinking.

Mélanie a dit…

très jolies photos . ces objets sont très beaux et comme dit hammer très élégants

Tifenn a dit…

Le voyage est dans ta maison! et les couleurs aussi!

Jules~ a dit…

Kitem, these pieces are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing in the wonder around you.