17 janvier 2008

Les soldes, the big sales

There is two big sales a year, no more.
This year I was lucky to be still in France when they start the 9th of January, right the day I was sick in my bed!

However there is so much stuff for sale half price most of the time, that even today there is plenty left. (too much left, I mean)
I bought for a few euros, a black trouser, a sweater, a tee shirt, leggings, a beautiful dress, it is the winter sales, but I don't know why there is some clothes fit for summer too, the dress will be my birthday dress at Chinese New Year Eve.

J'ai acheté un jean noir, un pull avec des fils dorés, un joli tee shirt blanc,des leggings marrons pour aller avec une chouette tunique de l'été dernier, et un belle robe qui devait être une robe de Réveillon, très légère, et qui ira parfaitement sous le soleil de Malaisie, c'est ma robe neuve du Nouvel An Chinois.

Et vous? vous avez acheté quoi?

Bon, pour Lisenn, je sais déjà.

6 commentaires:

Jeannie a dit…

I envy the clothes you must be able to buy there - our fashions are generally a couple years behind yours

alicesg a dit…

Sounds like you have a good shopping spree. I bet you will have a good time shopping when you are in Kuala Lumpur. :)

Jules~ a dit…

Sounds like you had fun looking around and buying your special things. Good for you.

Tifenn a dit…

ca y est, j'en parle!

Mélanie a dit…

j'ai été sage
j'ai déjà assez dépensé à Istanbul

LisennBreizh a dit…

Ha ha !!! Je ne suis pas la seule à avoir craquée !!!!