In Malaysia you can find their own kitchen oil from palm tree, I don't like it, not very good quality and not refined well enough.
Je n'aime pas l'huile de palme malaisienne, elle n'est pas assez rafinee, et n'a pas tres bon gout.
Ici, en plus des bean sprout, elle cuit des legumes verts en fleur, des Choy Sum.
She cooks first some green flowered vegies, called Choy Sum.Elle les met en premier, ils sont un peu plus long a cuire.
Puis elle ajoute les pousses de soja, she throws the bean sprouts in one shot.
Et voila, c'est pret en moins de cinq minutes, c'est leger, et bon pour la sante.
Voila, finished in less than 5 minutes, good, and healthy.
Happy Birthday to my Darling Daughter.
5 commentaires:
Looks good. :)
I actually prefer bean sprouts cooked than raw. Don't like them raw. They're good when they're fried.
As for palm oil, not sure where it ranks in health for oils, but if I remember correctly, canola and olive are the healthiest oils. I cook with canola oil only and flavor with olive oil or sometimes just a pinch of sesame oil for flavoring.
Olive oil though is really good for you. I drink a straight tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil every day.
Yes, palm oil is not very good for us. I'll bet the Choy Sum has a unique flavour of its own that makes all the difference. I do love bean sprouts any way.
Yum! It looks and sounds so tasty. Is the Choy Sum similar to something like maybe a spinach leaf?
Hummmm !!!
Ca me donne faim ...
Bravo pour le reportage!
Oooo, looked very yummy and very healthy.
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