01 mars 2008

Rosak broken casse

En descendant sur Kuala Lumpur jeudi j'ai pris mon linge a laver, j'enfourne le linge dans la machine d'Anna, je ferme et clac fait la porte. Casse la poignee!
La machine est ancienne presque dix ans d'age, sans poignee impossible d'ouvrir la porte, impossible de la fermer, donc pas de lavage, foutue, finie la machine il n'y a plus qu'en acheter une autre, pff, et il faut que ca tombe sur moi....
Je ne veux plus y penser, je vais donner la douche aux enfants, je les mets en pyjamas et reviens vers la cuisine.
La, le reparateur etait deja en train de changer le vieux fermoir de la machine qui s'est remise a fonctionner comme si elle etait neuve.
Entre le moment ou j'ai casse la poignee et le moment ou elle etait reparee, il s'est passe moins d'une heure.
C'est ca aussi la Malaisie.

I brought my laundry down to KL to wash in Anna's washing machine. I put the laundry in and clac did the handdle, it was rosak, (rosak is the Malay word for broken).

The machine can't work anymore without the right handdle, the machine is old, most probably, it can't be repaired, the only solution left is to....buy a new one, and this has to happen to me, poor me, I am very upset.

I want to forget all about it, I go to shower the boys, put them in their pyjamas and come back in the kitchen. Here was the guy repairing the washing machine door.

Between the time I broke the machine and the time it was repaired there was less than one hour.

This is Malaysia.

Mr Garden and son called the repair shop while I was in the bathroom.

C'est Mr Garden et son fils qui ont appele le reparateur quand j'etais dans la salle de bain.

4 commentaires:

Jules~ a dit…

Oh no for the stumbling block but how great that everythig got fixed so quickly.
I love that picture. It is so funny how we can all look at something and perceive it to be something that it is not. When my browser opened to the picture, I thought I saw the corner of a beautiful picture frame of impressionistic art...thinking you had toured some great art studio or something.
haa haa! It was your laundry!

Jeannie a dit…

Now see, I'd have taken the opportunity to get a new machine.

alicesg a dit…

Oh no, that was just one of those dreadful days when things go wrong. I hated those washing machines with the door at the side, I broke the handles many times...lol. Now my washing machine has door on the top, no more broken handles. :) Have a nice weekend, Kitem.

Anonyme a dit…

Ben mi c'est le seche linge qui est en panne juste ces jours ci qu'il ne fait pas chaud !!! je dois appeler Darty par contre!!! Il est encore sous garantie heureusement !!!! Nous prenons touhours les 5 ans de garanties...
Gros bisous ma KITEM.