17 mai 2008

Blog en vacances

Après un mois de jardinage intensif, je pars faire un peu de ménage dans la maison de maman dans l'île d'Oléron, les photos ci dessous sont de septembre dernier.
After a full month of intensive gardening, I am now going to open mum's summer house in ïle d'Oléron, on the Atlantic coast.
Mais j'éspère bien que nous aurons le même temps, beau et chaud.
I hope we are going to have the same weather as last year when I took these photos.

Non pas que la chaleur me manque terriblement, après tout l'hiver passé au soleil.

I can't say I miss sunny weather after a three months Malaysian winter.

Mais l'Atlantique est tellement beau par temps clair. Au fond, le phare de Chassiron.

But I love the Atlantic ocean when the weather is nice and warm, you can see Chassiron light house at the far end of "my" beach.
Amas, amoncellement, galets.

Je souhaite à mes visiteurs un amoncellement de choses belles et agréables en ce beau week end de mai.
Je rentre au milieu de la semaine prochaine, je ne sais pas quand exactement, et je n'ai pas de connection internet à la maison d'été.

I wish you all, dear blogfriends and visitors a happy week end.
I'll be back middle of next week, be safe, take care.

12 commentaires:

Jeannie a dit…

I am so envious yet I think you work very very hard.

The Zombieslayer a dit…

Hope you're having a great weekend. I'd so much love to see those beaches in real life.

It's so hot here that we're staying inside and doing nothing.

alicesg a dit…

The photos looked so relaxing and peaceful. You have a good time there and enjoy the nice weather there. It is hot hot hot over here. So dont envy my weather....lol.

Barbara a dit…

Bonnes vacances et des jours agréables et joyeux avec ta maman!

Anonyme a dit…

Will you be visiting that lighthouse?

tweetey30 a dit…

Its beautiful kitem.. Hope you have a wonderful time opening up the summer home.

Marina Capano a dit…

Hi! well, so cute photos! I love this see! I hope you in my party!

Jules~ a dit…

My friend, laugh with me. I thought I left you a comment the other day.....but I only thought it.
I love the ocean. You have such a beautiful place to retreat to. There is nothing like breathing in that crisp fresh warm sea air and feel the breeze on your face.
I hope you have a wonderful time.

Mélanie a dit…

I'm so jealous ! Vous avez des endroits de repos dans les plus beaux endroits du monder ....J'attends avec impatience de vos nouvelles

Mya a dit…

OH how I love the beach and wish I were there. Have fun!

The Vintage Vagablonde a dit…

That is so beautiful....I wish I were walking on that beach!
Have a happy Day :0)

Anonyme a dit…

Beautiful and charming.
Is this still France? Looks like Denmark :-)