23 mai 2008

Ciel Bleu Mer Bleue Blue Sky Blue Sea

Ouiiii, il a fait très beau, j'ai plus bronzée pendant ce long week end que durant trois mois en Malaisie.
Gorgeous weather in Ile d'Oléron the last few days, I enjoy it a lot, meanwhile it was raining cats and dogs in Cannes film festival on the planet most beautiful Stars. he he he.
Un monsieur Garden avance tout seul sur la plage, oublieux du reste du monde.
Nous marchons le long des kilomètres de la plage des Huttes, jusqu'au village de Chaucre, il part un peu devant, il marche de plus en plus vite.
Toute seule face à l'immensité, looking at America.

Un tronc solitaire, et une plage déserte. What happened to that tree, is it an exotic specie? does it come from a weck ship? it was crossing the ocean, from Africa? from south America? the ship faced a huge storm, the freight sank, but not the timber. What about the crew?

9 commentaires:

Jules~ a dit…

That looks like a great place to do some beach combing. I imagine you can find some pretty beautiful things on those shore. The weather looked perfect for you.

The Vintage Vagablonde a dit…

Hi...Nice to meet you.
I studied French in school but did not do so well.
Love the pictures of the beach :)

Tifenn a dit…

c'est beau une plage vide:-)

Unknown a dit…

What a wonderful place to live! I so adore the ocean and you take great photos! Thank you for sharing!

alicesg a dit…

Such a beautiful place. The skies are so blue and the ocean are so blue too. I would love to go there.

Unknown a dit…

My dear, good to know you are back! I was looking forward to have a peek into your house for marina's home decor party yesterday....

Love the beach, my favourite as usual and what better than a beach in FRANCE.

Happy weekend and hope you'll be back soon, missed our tea time together :0

tweetey30 a dit…

Wow. I loved how you questioned where that log came from.. It makes you wonder sometimes where things come from.

Jeannie a dit…

What a gorgeous empty beach!! I'm sooo jealous. I always wonder where the stuff on the beach comes from

Anonyme a dit…

Your pictures bring out the sky blue color really nicely, especially when the clouds are absent.