12 juillet 2008

Lauriers roses

Dear readers, I have been away from blogland lately, but I do come almost everyday visit my usual friends on the list on the left, I don't write new post, I don't comment because of laziness.
But what? look at the laurels in my summer house in Ardèche, see the blue sky above the roof, look at the beauty of theold stones, and then you will understand me.
A mes lecteurs en langue française je présente mes excuses, je ne suis pas très présente en blogosphère ces temps çi, mais croyez le, je viens vous rendre visite presque chaque jour, mon ordinateur portable est au soleil le matin, et je prends mon café en votre compagnie.
Ok, ok, pas sympa, je ne laisse pas de commentaires, trop feignasse je suis, j'admire mes lauriers roses, le bleu du ciel, je sens la chaleur des vieilles pierres de la maison, et je laisse tomber le pc. (pas pour de vrai, il est tout neuf celui ci!)

13 commentaires:

Jules~ a dit…

I understand. It is all too beautiful to stay away from. I too would want to walk around and feel the breeze, smell the fragrance as I sit under a shade tree.
Thank you for sharing your blessings.

ortho a dit…

Beautiful photographs! We miss you!

Anonyme a dit…

Very nice photos! I know the wall of the building in the second photo.

Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

Anonyme a dit…

Opps! I meant to say that I like the walls of the building in the second photo. :P Sorry for the corrections.

Jeannie a dit…

Yes - understandable - completely!

none a dit…

I don't understand why more people don't build out of stone. It lasts forever and is more attractive than modern materials.

I love that pic of the wall with the arch.

Unknown a dit…

dont worry..you are in our hearts all the time. I wont be blogging too if I have a summer or winter house anywhere this beautiful :)

alicesg a dit…

I would be like you if I have such a beautiful garden and summer house. :) Have a nice day.

tweetey30 a dit…

Beautiful Kitem. You will comment when you are ready and I know you cant stay away from blogland to long.. Thanks for the update on your life though..

Mélanie a dit…

I can understand that very well ! e,joy every moment with us or without !

Come Away With Me a dit…

Yes indeed! I understand completely. Rest and relax and enjoy the summer, surrounded by all that loveliness.

Anonyme a dit…

The long summer days are for - doing nothing.
Enjoy your laziness :-)

Anonyme a dit…

No problem, just show us more lovely summer pics :-)