Cameron Highland, Tapah, resonnent comme une magie a mes oreilles, d'abord, c'est de la que Jim Thompson a disparu pour toujours, la premiere fois que je suis venue dans les Cameron, les aborigenes le cherchaient encore, c'est la magie et la grandeur de l'empire colonial britannique, meme si ce n'est pas politiquement correct de parler de colonialisme aujourd'hui, j'etais contente de sortir a Tapah.
Yesterday we took time to go out of the highway, In the small town of Tapah, at the foot of the Cameron Highlands, we searched our way to the waterfall, first we believed it was hidden in the jungle, that it won't be an easy task to find the waterfall, but I noticed this sign showing the way to Lata Kinjang, even though I didn't understand the meaning I guessed it was the waterfall way. As usual in beautiful Malaysia the sign disapeared on a dramatic crossway and we had indeed to look for it.
Duapuluh duapuluh is still on the way, garbage have not been cleaned before the monkey hord is down the mountain.
C'etait beau, c'est magnifique, et encore une fois, hop, la magie est revenue, regarde pas les poubelles, admire le paysage, la jungle luxuriante, et j'ose dire que le mot luxuriant est encore un peu faible, le bruit assourdissant de la cataracte, le bonheur de la nature est la.
Then, when we reached there, it was immensely beautiful, in the deep tropical jungle, the sound of water falling down the green mountain was magical, the beauty of nature is here, has been there for a long time and will be still there after us.
From where all this water come from? not from the melting snow for sure.
Mais d'ou vient toute cette eau? certainement pas de la fonte des neiges, il pleut beaucoup sur ces montagnes, tous les jours, des averses tropicales gigantesques, ces cascades doivent recuperer toutes les eaux de ruisselement des monts environnants.
9 commentaires:
I have read and seen this from far and knew it was beautiful. Ha! our 2020 will not happen..maybe 2050, esp with what's happening here in the Government, shameful is what I say..just like shameful on those garbage everywhere. YES, you need to be telephatic or with 6th sense to find anywhere. Road signs always point to somewhere and then you figure out how to go to yr final destination later. Typical Malaysia. Glad you found beauty :D
Elle est splendide cette cascade, c'est vrai qu'il est dommage de voir des poubelles éventrées dans un si beau site , mais ........... il n'y a pas que là-bas malheureusement !
Merci Kitem!
Ces quelques photos nous transmettent la magnificence et la munificence de la nature sous les tropiques!
j'adore l'eau vive, tout un symbole...
Merci merci merci
Ces images sont très belles ! Je souhaite que je pourrais être là en ce moment ! !
Very beautiful photos of the waterfall. When I was in Malaysia many many moons ago, I saw two waterfalls, one is at kota tinggi and the other is up in the middle of the mountain of Cameron Highlands. The waterfall was so refreshing and cold. We saw many fishes in the clear water at the bottom of the waterfall. I hated to go up the winding road of Cameron I would vomit all the way up and also all the way down...arggghhhh.
Tres magnifique (sp??)
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Your posts about your stay and travels in Malaysia give me the feeling as if I were travelling with you! Thank you, it's so interesting.
Kitem its beautiful.. Most beautiful thing I have seen in ages. I wish I could see it for real sometime..
That is indeed beautiful. It looks like it was a perfect place to hike around on some rocks and explore.
I know all too well those feelings of passing something by over and over again with routine and thinknig I will stop sometime to look.
So glad you were able to stop this time my friend.
Blessings to you.
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