Pour nous aujourd'hui IO c'était aspirateur, balai, et chiffon à poussière.
Qu'est ce qu'ils font là tous ces vacanciers?
Je me souviens de la plage vide, rien que pour mes deux loustics et le papa et la mama, c'était il n'y a pas si longtemps, pourtant.
Ah ah, la mer lors d'une grande marée d'hiver a emporté tous les galets de notre bout de plage à nous, pour les déposer sur le bout de plage des maitres nageurs, là même ou ou le monde se retrouve, na! tant pis pour eux.
4 commentaires:
Ok Now I am jealous. Beaches and rocks and snails. I love sea shells. Those are so cool to collect. It looks so warm there. I love the water though even though I cant swim real well. I love to splash around like a child. LOL.. I am 30 years old and still love to splash around like a 5 year old. I had asked you in my comment back to you if you have ever been to the United States? Just wondering. I would love to go to another country for a few days. My great grandmothers parents were from Finland. I would love to go to Paris some day too. Lots of places really.
Never been to the States. We plan to go one day in the future, but as you say, so many countries to visit.
Welcome to my place in France whenever you like, but we are not from Paris, we're on the Atlantic Ocean. I think Finland is a beautiful country, go there in summer though.
It would be a good idea to learn swimming, you could still splash around and swimm.
Well if you ever make it to the States you are welcome here too. I love the water. It doesnt have to be Paris but somewhere else some day. This is something to talk to hubby about. We would need passports though. One thing I have never needed. But I think I would spend the money to go and visit a blog friend.
ahhhh si c'est pas beau cet ocean.
Cheryl est la ce soir, je cuisine un curry mee.
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