Non, ce n'est pas vrai, je viens d'acheter grace a e Bay le logiciel Adobe Photoshop qui me manque tant pour faire un blog joli. Merci Sandra.
Le nouveau clavier vient avec une nouvelle souris, sans queue la souris, et sans fil le clavier, très doux, facile, ergonomique, une joie de clavier, un vrai bonheur.
Il est parfait pour écrire en anglais.
En francais, c'est un tout petit peu different.
Un clavier anglais n'a pas d'accents, et nous en francais, on en a plein d'accents, on ne sait pas écrire sans accent, et en plus on a des cédilles, des tremas, des chapeaux pointus, des circonflexes je veux dire, c'est tous les mots ou presque. Alors mon superbe cadeau est soudain devenu empoisonné, et comment le lui dire?
J'ai bien essayé, mais pour lui qui n'utilise pas mon ordinateur, mais son portable, ce n'est pas un problème, et il s'est tout de suite vexé. Alors pour ne pas le vexer davantage, j'ai ouvert un document (que je ne retrouve jamais) avec une petite série d'accents, je le copie sur mon billet et j'ajoute les accents en copié collé sur tous les mots, ça prend juste un petit peu de temps, d'énergie et ça ajoute du stress là ou il n'y en a pas besoin.
Comme le clavier a decidé de jouer les fous, il met l'arobase@, à "ouvrez les guillements" et inversement.
Quelquefois il refuse catégoriquement de montrer le ww (je viens de taper 15 fois cette lettre pour qu'elle daigne apparaitre) Meme chose pour le m, ah la! ça a marché, le m est venu tout de suite Et ce soir, c'est le t qui me fait des histoires.
Les accents:
ô è é à où même déjà dîner drôle troisième
Le déjeuner
Là ça râle
3 commentaires:
It looks like your trying to teach some of us french here with the letters and the marks above the letters. LOL... No I have no idea what you are saying but I love to talk all the same.
Oh before I forget I was telling hubby you had said we are welcome to come visit anytime and his first question was does she speak English? I told him yes and explained that you would have to write on my blog. Dont take this as offense. He was just curious. Thought you would like to know. He can be really silly sometimes.. I love him though.
Dear Tweetey, I wanted to translate, then I forgot, it's about a new keyboard my husband bought for me which is very nice,and thoughtfull, but he bought an English keyboard that doesn't come with accents. And in French we have a LOT of accents, almost every words come with an accent, so it's very complicated and long to write my posts as I have to add the accents afterwards. With no accents there is plenty of grammar mistakes and it's not nice to read.
I don't understand what your dear husband wants me to do.
Maybe he wants me to invite you in France on your blog, tell me, it's very easy to do.And my house is big I can accomodate the four of you.
Oh I am sorry. No no. Dear Kitem. You had said before that we are welcome to come visit you anytime if we get to come that way and I told him that and he asked if you speak english. I am sorry to confuse you.
Its just that we have lots of people here in the US that dont speak English and its hard to communicate with them. I am sorry if I confused you. We dont have the money to go to another country right now. I would love to but just not this year or next year for that matter. It maybe about four years before we even think of getting passports and going anywhere.
Like I said he can be very funny.
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