Deux poteries , achetées au Sri Lanka, on met un tortillon dedans, qui en fumant éloigne les moustiques. Elles sont cachées dans une meurtrière de la cave.
Vue d'une fenêtre de la grande salle. Au fond les monts Lozère. A view from the main room window, far away are Lozère Mountains (small mountains), you always see them blue.
Détail sur les poutres et l'escalier de la mezanine. Inside the house, you can see the old beams and the tall ceiling.
Une chaude journée d'été. A warm summer day.
The house has been built in 1789 by one of my husband ancestor, some great great grand father, from his mother's side.
La maison a été construite fin XVIIIe, elle vient du côté de la maman de Mr Garden.
13 commentaires:
Kitem if you dont mind me asking where exactly are you located. Another blog friend gave me a link to see what time it is in other countries. I am just curious. I know when I comment here its like eight hours a head of me or so. I am just curious. Nice photos again like usual.
These are great photos. Living in Canada, we just don't have the same sense of history here. Something is "old" if it was built in the 60s, and "antique" if it was built in the 1900s. I love the feeling of a place that has housed generations. Thanks for sharing.
I love old historic sites like that.
The closest I've seen are old spanish missions that use similar architecture.
I've been having trouble viewing your page but it seems to work using firefox. not sure if any internet explorer users are having trouble as well.
Tweetey i have a big problem answering because i am located as you say in different places, as i say in my profile updated. You have to go on google map and check the different places mentioned. Do you have difficulties to reach my different links and comments? because Jeannie and Helene can't reach my links anymore. Jay, thanks for the compliment, as usual I am proud that you take time to write on my blog. Yes I know in some countries antics are younger than me!
Kitem I havent tried the other two blogs since I started chatting. I actually forgot they were there. I am sorry. For an answer to your question on my blog about you bragging. Never think that of you. That is how you have your life set up and I am glad to hear about your travels. Or even just see pix of them when you post them. Will you be able to keep the other two up also when you are gone? Just wondering. Thanks for sharing with me. Its just that with Gayle gave me that link on my blog I was just wondering what time it was there. Like now its 4:13 in the afternoon and its already midnight at your house. I will catch you later. Have to go check on my girls. They have a friend over in the back yard and I dont care for him because he is mean and he keeps just doing things I dont like.I sent him home yesterday with no hard feelings.
Donc, si j'ai bien compris, tu es déjà en "summer holidays" ? Tu en as de la chance et cette région est tellement belle.
J'aime beaucoup la première photo, ces pierres...
C'est très beau l'Ardèche, de merveilleux souvenirs reviennent chez moi à la surface....
What lovely photos. I'd love to do a watercolor painting of this last one. You certainly have a good eye for the perfect compositions.
Cette batisse a l'air magnifique et chargée d'histoire! tu ne ferais pas chambres d'hôtes par hasard?(je me doute que non, vu ton emploi du temps!)
j'ai oublié le S satanée machine!!!
Merci merci pour tous les gentils commentaires;
Tifenn, j'aimerai bien faire chambre d'hôte, mais la batisse bien que belle n'a que deux chambres et une seule salle de bain, alors pour une chambre d'hôte c'est pas le top. De plus, les amis vont s'y succeder tout l'été. Par contre, nous allons la délaisser vers le 13 aout, et comme elle sera totalement libre après cette date, on a bien envie de la louer, on se décidera dans l'été.
Baïlili, nous partons d'abord une petite semaine en Espagne avec toute une bande de bons amis, puis en Ardèche. AH ces jeunes seniors retraités papy boomer! je sais que nous sommes privilegiés, on a de la chance de pouvoir en profiter.
En revanche, après une vie d'expates nos enfants sont loin de nous, et neuf mois sur douze les petits enfants, c'est à la web cam qu'on les voit.
Hammer, that's America, young country.
Thanks, Georganna writer.
How charming.
Just what I imagine an old French country house should look :-)
To have such history and beauty woven into your family history, must be a wonderful thing to know.
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