N'oublie pas l'eau surtout.
My friend Mireille is a good companion for a small walk, she says: put on your walking shoes, and let's go, and then we come back 3 hours later.
Quelquefois, il fait très chaud, on avance dans le sentier en voiture, mais la descente dans les gorges, à pied, est une grande aventure.
Le sentier est très abrupt, plein de cailloux qui roulent sous les pieds, c'est un sentier à chèvre, c'est dur, il faut compter environ une demie heure pour atteindre la rivère et le bain bien mérité. The foot path is very stiff and difficult to walk, from the top of the cliff it is almost one hour walk (yes i know i was talking 30mn in french, but for english speaker it's longer!) Nicolas dans son kayak, ici You can go down the river this way.
Sinon, on prend le canoé à Vallon Pont D'Arc, on le voit derrière la tête d'Hélène, la rivière a traversé la falaise en formant une arche naturelle.
It's not that easy canoeing down the river, it can be dangerous sometimes.
4 commentaires:
magnifiques ces gorges, je me souviens y avoir été il y a quelques années, bon souvenir
Looks like everyone is having fun in the kayaks. I think I spelled that right. i have never been in one. I dont know how to swim so I am afraid of tipping it and drowning. Splashing around is one thing but swimming for my life is another. Well enjoy your trip and we will hear from you when you get back. I know you said till the end of the week but we are at the end of the week already. Tomorrow at least.
We are leaving on monday morning.
I was worried that you couldn't open my links anymore, so thank you for the comment.
You know what? it would be a good idea if you could learn how to swim together with your daughters.
I would like that. I can back float but I have never learned how to actually swim. Maybe sometime I will. Thank you for letting me know when you are leaving. You still looked like they were having fun.
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