18 septembre 2007

Bientôt l'Automne

Automn is coming soon. The garden harvest, hazlnuts, and a snail, I don't know how to cook them, but yes, we do eat that!
Les noisettes, et un escargot égaré dans le panier, ici, on les appelle des cagouilles.
Un joli panier de bois sous les capucines qui ont envahi le carré des fraisiers.
Les noix de la voisine, le casse-noix vient d'Inde.
Et le panier de ma grand mère, c'est drôle comme le panier lui survit, un objet si simple qui me la rappelle, elle vit dans ma mémoire à travers son panier.
My grand mother basket, she is still living in my memory through this simple object.
Ciel de fin d'été, mais il fait chaud et bon encore.
End of summer blue sky with ome white clouds, the weather is still warm and sunny, but we can fell in the air something cold coming.

9 commentaires:

Jeannie a dit…

Yeah!!! I get to leave a comment! How wonderful to have your own nut trees. Do you roast them or just eat them raw? I have had snails - I think they can just be fried with garlic and butter but I wouldn't know how to coax them from the shells. Also wouldn't know if there are some varieties better than others.

tweetey30 a dit…

Never had snail before but sounds interesting. Also nuts are good. But I have never tried them off a tree before. Always just bought them from a store.

by Danie a dit…

There is a lot of nut trees around, a hazel nut tree in my garden and a big nut tree in my neighbour garden. We eat them raw, never thought of having them roasted. It's easy to get the snail out of their shell when they are cooked, it's a big long and complicated to cook the snails, I don't know how to do but my mum knows, it's a favorite of my son. HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK THERE JEANNIE.

Tifenn a dit…

les grand mères...joli image que celle du panier...

none a dit…

I love walnuts and hazelnuts. This also a very nice basket.

My wife eats escargot but she is more adventurous then I

Anonyme a dit…

Tes photos sont superbes ! J'aime beaucoup la première avec le "cagouille" aventureux !

FrenchGardenHouse a dit…

I love your fall photos! So beautiful. You are so lucky to have the trees full of treats. I love snails(at least I did when I lived in Europe, I haven't had them for years)


by Danie a dit…

Baïlili on dit: UNE cagouille! (lol, comme disent les english)

Parisbreakfasts a dit…

What beautiful FALL pictures!
I'd almost forgotten to notice..