24 septembre 2007

Fig Jam

Ou alors confiture de figue, si on préfère.

J'ai commencé à cueillir mes figues pas tout à fait mûres, mais comme on se battait avec les merles pour savoir qui allait les manger les premiers, j'ai triché.
Je les ai pelées à moitié et coupé en quatre, pour un kilog et demi de fruits, j'ai mis 750 gr de sucre, j'ai fait mariné le tout 2 ou 3 heures et laisser cuire un bon moment. Et voilà, j'ai déjà commencé à en distribuer autour de moi.
I cooked some jars of fig jam today, I cheated when I harvest them not ripped enough, the birds wanted to eat them first, I had to be faster.
I had 1kg500 of fruits, I added 750gr of sugar, I let marinating, then I cooked for about 45 minutes, I don't know exactly, but it looked Ok so I put the jam in the pots. Now I give them around.

9 commentaires:

Mélanie a dit…

MIAM MIAM cela me donne faim

Anonyme a dit…

je viens moi aussi de faire de la confiture de figues ! mais avec des figues violettes - je propose un échange de pots pour goûter- en attendant bises à tous les deux mr et mme garden de la part de mr et mme k.bann ôfon dujardin ?

Jeannie a dit…

I have never had fig jam but if it's like what's in fig newtons, I'm sure I'd like it. I noticed that figs are on display at the grocery this year. I suppose there are more people from elsewhere asking for them.

LisennBreizh a dit…

Bonne dégustation !

tweetey30 a dit…

Boy does that look good. I wonder how long it would take to ship some home made jam over seas?? LOL.. Only picking on you here a bit. Hope it tastes as good as it looks though. Enjoy it.

Anonyme a dit…

Oh, my favorite jam. We always buy it when we are in Italy as we can't get it here in Norway.
I would love to taste your homemade.

none a dit…

I love figs. I've never had the jam. I bet it's as good as it looks

FrenchGardenHouse a dit…

This looks wonderful! I love the last sentence, Now I give them around. How very nice of you!

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. I appreciate it, I really do. Thank you!

Tifenn a dit…

à quand ta rubrique, recettes familiales? ça m'a l'air tellemnet bon!!