I don't know what happen to me, I don' feel like blogging lately. I enjoy going in blogland and jump from blog to blog letting comment sometimes but not writing for myself. I have finished to paint my kitchen, will show you tomorrow. My christmas letter is not ready yet, everyday I push to tomorrow, I'm late, here also I don't feel like sending them, anyway people are happy to receive it, so they say but never answer, or i will get an answer at Easter the earliest. And why, why I always have to be the first to write so that they condescend to answer? or not?
Pour la traduction en français, utiliser le traducteur à gauche, même si la traduction n'a pas de sens c'est rigolo à lire... ah ba non, ça ne traduit que du français en anglais et pas de l'anglais vers le français, tant pis pour les frenchies qui ne lisent pas l'anglais.
7 commentaires:
That cake looks delicious. What is it?? Its ok not to post and just to comment. I do that on Saturday when Jeff has to work.
Glad you're enjoying that camera. Is that meringue pie?
So glad that you are having fun with your new camera. Amazing that it has a "food" function. Technology moves so fast. I remember being shocked when microwaves started to come with a "popcorn" button.
Kitem, just have fun visiting places and leaving comments. Don't pressure yourself. I know what I am talking about right? Visiting is still a creative outlet. As you look around in blogland, you will get inspired when you least expect it.
As for the Christmas letters, give yourself grace there as well. If they don't get out before July or even next December, it is okay. I actually did that last year- let myself not send out the letter. Maybe when your people don't receive your letter, they will get worried and show concern instead of taking for granted all the wonderful things you send them in your writings all the time.
Ben dis, tu gastronomes? elle a l'air appétissante cette tarte (avec des pommes?) et puis je suis pressée de voir ta nouvelle cuisine. Sinon, j'ai l'impression de lire que ça ne va pas fort? ou je traduis tèèès mal?
Merci pour vos gentils commentaires, thanks for all the nice comments. Tiens je crois que je ne m'étais pas rendu compte que ça n'allait pas très fort, mais c'est pourtant vrai.
C'est pas moi qui ai fait le gateau c'etait juste pour vous montrer comment mon appareil photo marche bien, c'est le gateau du dessert de la soirée de samedi.
Thanks Jules, I came out last night with a minimalist christmas letter, and hop, will send them at the last moment!
est ce une tarte au citron meringuée ??????
Si oui c'est mon gateau péféré
C'est un gateau au chocolat, il était vraiment délicieux, et j'en ai eu deux parts, oui je sais la balance, parce que ma copine Johanne n'aime pas le chocolat, ça, faut le faire, avec une crème sur le dessus, la pâte en dessous était pralinée, très bon.
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