11 février 2008

On the road again

De nouveau sur la route, en voiture cette fois ci pour retrouver notre chere ile de Penang,

Et tous nos amis de la bas.
Repas du dimanche en famille de Sushis et Sashimis.
Peut etre pas de blog demain.
We leave tomorrow Kuala Lumpur to our beloved island of Penang.
I am glad to see my old friends again. I hope I won't cath to much sunburn, it's not good for the skin, but then it's difficult to stay at the sea side, reading under the shade of a coconut tree without getting to much sun tan.
Last sunday family lunch of sushis and sashimis.

They make great pictures.

11 commentaires:

tweetey30 a dit…

Have fun and enjoy your self. Just watch how long you are in the sun and you will be fine.. Take care.

none a dit…

Those fish are very photogenic :)

Enjoy the next part of your trip :)

alicesg a dit…

Beautiful colourful photos of food. Hope you have a fun time in Penang. Try the Penang laksa there.

Anonyme a dit…

Wow! that is a lot of Sushi.
Beautiful shots!

I hope the next part of your trip will be even better.

Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex

Jules~ a dit…

The Sunday feast looks so beautiful! Presentation has such an amazing impact on how much more fantastic the food tastes. It is so pretty in design that it is almost too good to eat. And yet....irresistable huh?
Have fun sitting under the shade of the coconut tree mon ami.

LisennBreizh a dit…

Je bave devant mon écran....

Jeannie a dit…

Looks delicious! I'm not much into sushi - I love how they look and expect to really enjoy them but somehow they don't do it for me when I eat them. Have a wonderful time with your friends - I envy the sunshine. A little sun is good for your bones.

The Zombieslayer a dit…

I LOVE sushi! Tied for my fave food.

Have fun in Kuala Lumpur. Don't they have one of the tallest buildings in the world? My brother was there a few years ago.

Anonyme a dit…

Tu me donnes des envies de suchis j'adore !!! Surtout avec le ingembre rose et la sauce hummmm !!! J'en bave...

Anonyme a dit…

Je n'avais pas lue les messages je ne suis pas la seule a baver Lisen que je connasi un peu bave aussi attention tu vas faire sauter tous les plombs !

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour, Kitem !

J'avais apprécié les articles de vos voyages. Je suis très heureux de voir que vous voyagez encore ! J'ai mourir d'envie de quelques sushi frais maintenant !

Espoir vous avez apprécié une nouvelle année heureuse !