09 août 2008


My dearest friend Jules blessed me with a couple of Awards I would like to share.
You know Jules is such a brilliant blog writer that she truly deserves this Award, i won't say the same about me. The following sentence is a copy of what she says about her friend and it is exactlywhat I think about her.
" When Jules passed out this Brilliant Weblog award, she summed up everything so beautifully. Jules really has a way of putting her heart into poetic words.....something I still struggle with. I am going to follow in her footsteps and say to these people... Thank you for being so encouraging to me. Thank you for cyber hugs, pats on the bat, cheers of encouragement, and being a friend. It still amazes me how people that I have never met or even talked to on the phone can mean so much to me. Jules

Here are the guidelines for the Must See Blog Award....
About the Must See Blog award: This award was created for blogs that cannot be missed. Whether you secretly lurk, always comment, or frequently check in to see what’s new, these are blogs that must be tuned into regularly.
Sorry, I am not as good as Jules to turn out nice compliments to each of you, I give you these two awards just to let you know I like your blog and take great pleasure to read it, if not everyday, as much as possible, thank you for being my friends, being faithfull, visiting me, and commenting, I am always happy and surprised that you continue to stop by and let it me know.

Jeannie in Canada
Aliceg in Singapore
Barbara in Switzerland
Hammer in America
Tweetey in America
M.Kate in beautiful Malaysia
Hélène dearest daughter, the best in the world, I am so lucky to have you in my life, and now that a little wonder is in the way, I am very happy for you and Alex.
Orthomon copain d'Amérique
Jean-Luc nearby my place in France, see you soon, Jean-Luc
Vérone in France, see you maybe next week (sure your parents don't understand French) Vérone is coming at her parents place next week they don't know it, it is a surprise for them, and they live near my town.
Jules ,Jules i give it back to you, you deserve it.
Pas de traduction en français, j'éspère que vous allez comprendre, Jean-Luc et Vérone, ce sont deux récompenses que je viens de recevoir de ma copine Jules, je vous les offre a mon tour.

16 commentaires:

none a dit…

It's very kind of you! Thank you very much!

Barbara a dit…

Oh, I blush (and this in my age ;-) !), dear Kitem! Thanks a lot for the honour of receiving this two awards from you (which in fact I could return for the same reason to you too :-) !). It's very kind of you!

alicesg a dit…

Wow two awards at one go. :)
Thank you kitem. I will pass it on.
You deserved the awards too.

Jules~ a dit…

I agree with Alice. You most certainly deserve these awards my dear friend. You are a wonderful treasure and I am grateful for you.
Thank you sweets for passing these back my way.

Anonyme a dit…

I'm glad to have arrive in this part of blogsphere that exudes warmth and kindness. It's wonderful to have met such fabulous people!

tweetey30 a dit…

Will get onto this later today. Its early morning here and I am just reading and commenting and will post tomorrow.

Jean-Luc a dit…

merci, c'est sympa !
on se voie en septembre pour les rhizomes d'iris ?
mes nouveaux parterres ne seront pas en fleur, ce sont ceux que j'ai préparés pour les nouveaux "bébés" que je vais bientôt recevoir ( 47 en tout , va y avoir du boulot debut septembre ...)

Vérone a dit…

Bonjour Kitem ,
Je te remercie à mon tour pour cette gentille attention !
Ca me fait un grand plaisir !!!
Bisous et certainement à très bientôt .

Vérone a dit…

Re moi , hihihi ,
Je viens de traduire une partie que j'avais presque tout compris !!!
Mes parents ne viendront pas là pour lire la surprise de ma venue ...
Enfin je sais pas si va leur plaire ...
On verra bien ...

Dit à ton avis kitem dois je trouver à mon tour deux bloggs " Awards " ?

by Danie a dit…

Oui, bien sûr Vérone, tu passes ces "awards" à 10 personnes s'il te plait, si cela te fait plaisir of course, sinon, tu choisis seulement quelques personnes, c'est comme tu veux.

Jeannie a dit…

Thank you so much Kitem! I saw this briefly just this morning and was already late to head to work...I'm sorry - my feeds were messed up all weekend and somehow I never got to see this post (I got your email but wondered what you meant)

Unknown a dit…

Dearest D,
you are soooo sweet to give me an award! as I've said..blogging is fun, but when we meet the person..its super fun!! Cant wait for you to be back in Malaysia..though looking at your pictures, you are have too much fun in France!!! I am envious! But, remember our date when you are here :D much love and hugs always

Unknown a dit…

..oohh, I forgot to add, I do both, comment and secretely lurk here hahaha..

ortho a dit…

Kitem, congratulations! You and your blog are brilliant!

La Cremiere a dit…

Mama, ditto.

ortho a dit…

Wow, Kitem! Thanks for the award! I didn't realize I won, until I saw you linked to my blog.

Merci, merci, merci, ma petite amie Française!