C'est mon frère qui l'a découverte dans les gauras, elle est belle, hein? My brother saw it first in the tall grass, isn't it beautiful? Elle s'appelle Argiope ou Epeire des jardins.
Dearest D, what a BIG spider!! It looks like a bumble bee..with its black and yellow body, really magnificent..but I dont think we have them here. You have a great day, lots of love and hugs :D
14 commentaires:
Telle une artiste de cirque, c'est une acrobate. Elle est aérienne et gracieuse...
NO WAY.. Yuckie. I hate spiders.. I have the willies just looking at it.. YIKES...
NO WAY.. Yuckie. I hate spiders.. I have the willies just looking at it.. YIKES...
Tweetey, t'es rigolote.
She's a beauty - non poisonous I hope!
Dearest D, what a BIG spider!! It looks like a bumble bee..with its black and yellow body, really magnificent..but I dont think we have them here. You have a great day, lots of love and hugs :D
Elle a de la chance d'être dans ton jardin.
Moi je ne supporte pas ces bestioles, et Mr Doudou est mon chasseur attitré !
Beautiful yes. I'll take a picture and then run far far away from it :)
Spiderman s'est perdu dans les Charentes maritimes...
Kitem, my French friend, is your spider's name Charlotte? Does she write inspirational messages in her web?
Yes, she has such lovely stripes; even matching stockings upon her eight legs!
Bonsoir Kitem !
On dirait qu'elle a mis son pijama ...
Va faire un tour sur mon blog tu est taguée ... lol
Bisous Vérone
That has to be a cousin to our silk spider. I have a photo in one of my recent posts. So that would make it a French Silk Spider, right? LOL
Yikes, it looked so big and fat. Is it poisonous? I hate spiders and flying cockroaches.
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