After one or five days I guess the first night is not easy, so it was for her first at home which was her second day of life.
So her first night was a bit agitated, but since now then it is running smoothly, it could be surprising, but I do think that the baby adjust well when coming home so fast after birth. She is very well balanced, and such a cute baby.
Aussi etonnant que cela puisse paraitre, le bebe a l'air de s'ajuster tres vite a sa nouvelle vie a la maison, hormis la premiere qui a ete un peu difficile, (c'est moi qui ai fini la nuit sur le canape avec la petite dans les bras pour permettre a mama de recuperer) elle a tres vite trouve son rythme de croisiere, dort 5 heures au milieu de la nuit, prend bien ses tetees, tres regulierement, et fait des sourires a tout le monde, peut etre aux anges, mais nous on en profite aussi.
She's back home and Daddy is showing her her new environment, her house, the TV set, especially when a football game is on.
She is already a Chelsea supporter.
Voici la derniere supportrice du Chelsea Football Club, Daddy lui a deja achete le maillot et le short des supporters de Chelsea, ici, il lui montre sa nouvelle maison, la tele, et meme comment on joue au football.
14 commentaires:
She is so cute and pretty. I wish I have a daughter then I can dress her up. My two sons are 22 and 20, they spend most of the times with friends, that leave me and hubby so lonely. :( Maybe a granddaughter in future will make the house more I bet you must have be so proud of your grandchild and in addition of your other grandchildren.
She's gorgeous! Here, I think they send them home the next day. They kept us for 3 days I think when I had mine, maybe 2. But here they do not send anyone to help at all. Even with twins.
Congratulations! Gabrielle is so beautiful and absolutely perfect. It is so amazing the things that God creates.
She is beautiful like her mum and grandmum... I am not sure what those words are in French but they are great words to describe her. Thanks for sharing guys...
oooooooooooooooooh!!! quelle beauté!!!! Felicitations à tote la famille et plein de bisous!
Un cadeau de Nouvel An!
Heureuse année à vous tous!
Comment, déjà "embringuée" dans le foot?? bon courage poulette!
Beautiful Kitem and I am absolutely sure she'll have wonderful big eyes..look at them. Glad she's settling down to a routine.
Bienvenue à cette mignonne petite fille et bonne année à toute sa famille !
Elle est superbe , et le papa a l'air vraiment trés heureux .... de là à l'embrigader déjà dans dans le foot il y va un peu fort quand même!
She's so sweet! Could you pinch those rosy cheeks for me please? :-)
Elle est Magnifique la petite Gabrielle !!!
Que du bonheur !
Félicitation aux parents !
Et de gros bisous pour toi !
Beautiful baby - congratulations! Very exciting to have a new one in the house. Enjoy and God bless you all!
Allo, Merci pour visiter mon blog. Kaffeeklatsch est allemand pour le bavardage de café-restaurant. Pour boire du café et parler aux gens. Bonne soirée!
un ange, un joyau, ... une merveille, quoi !?!
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