Vous avez celle de son arriere grand pere que le bebe a venir ne verra jamais, il va nous manquer, il nous manque deja, il est parti dans son sommeil, tranquilement, la main sous la tete, il allait avoir 94 ans.
Instead is the photo of her great grand father the babby will never meet, we're going to miss him, we miss him already.
He didn't wake up from a peaceful night, he was ninety four years old.
J'adore Londres et la Tamise, je fais de longues promenades tous les jours, du cote de Hampton Court, j'essaie d'entrainer Helene avec moi, mais ca devient difficile pour elle, alors, on attend.
7 commentaires:
I'm so sorry for your loss. But if he went peacefully after a long full life, no one could ask for more. Still, there is a gaping hole left behind. Perhaps he has gone to meet with the baby before she arrives to tell her how wonderful her family is and to be a good baby for them.
Oui, j'étais en attente d'une photo du bébé! Quand??
I am sorry for your loss. Happy New Year to you and may 2009 be a better year for all of us. Take Care,Kitem.
C'est toujours difficile de perdre un membre de sa famille...
Toutes mes condoléances...
I love what Jeannie said.
My dear friend, I am so sorry to hear this. He did live a long life and I am sure full of many wonderful things. But I know your hearts hurt. I pray for peace for your whole family.
Je suis désolée pour cette perte! Mais on dit souvent quand un arrive , un autre part ...
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