Dans l'assiette, aiguillettes de canard aux pêches, (en boite, les pêches) accompagnées de risotto.
Pour le risotto, j'ai remplacé le riz par du blé, c'était pas trop du goût des mecs.
On dirait que quelqu'un oublie toujours de prendre l'appareil photo pour se souvenir de la cuisinière.
8 commentaires:
Family and plants are the best.
beautiful peony - mine won't bloom for another month or so
I can assume you and your friends are happy with how the election turned out.
I have never even thought to take a photo of any food I've made - so I never forget either.
I'm not clear - did you replace the rice with wheat in the risotto or the other way around? (I thought risotto was rice but what do I know?)
I used to see salamanders when I was little but not for years now - we don't have any other lizards...I think they are cute
Bonsoir, J'ai vu que tu était passée sur mon blog, et je t'en remercie; j'admire également les jardins y compris anglais! et la pivoine a la couleur que je préfère, celle de ma cuisine!
à bientôt!
Cool. I have two friends I still talk to that I went to school with and thats about it. Sme and another one from high school.
Oh, Tweetey, Sme is your friend from high school? very nice, i didn't know.
About the... cuisiniere......on garde toujours secret ceux a qui l'on tient le plus.....ou elle est en train de faire la vaisselle....just a joke...!
Your garden are so beautifull.....I smell your flowers here....
have a good day
Bonjour Jeannnie.
I replace rice with wheat!!! guys didn't like the change, they are very conservatives!
I thought those peonies were pretty late, it seems not. It's very seldom that we see Salamanders now, where are they all gone?
Tweetey they were our good friends, Johanne is my friend from my school day.
mai 08, 2007 5:32 PM
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