On a découvert ces piliers et ces vieilles pierres qui viennent des Thermes Romains d'à côté.
Il faut dire qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps, ces ruines romaines servaient de carrière aux habitants des alentours, ce n'était pas protégé par les monuments historiques comme aujourd'hui.
When we had our house renovated 2 years ago, we wanted to open a door in a large wall in the basement, and there was these old stones, from the Roman Bath nearby.
The house was built in 1875, and in those times Roman ruins were not protected as they are now, and the old stones were used to build new houses.
I didn't declare my own Roman small museum to the Archeology center, because in the town there is so many Roman ruins that they wouldn't care of my 4 stones, so I think, I'm not sure.
6 commentaires:
That is so neat to be that close to ancient history.
Hammer took the words out of my mouth. It would be fascinating to have something so old so close at hand.
Quelle chance de trouver de pareilles merveilles chez soi ! Ta vue du jardin est très jolie, j'aime beaucoup la trame dessinée par les arbustes.
Beautiful, thrilling! What an honor to be caretakers of such a precious piece of the past. When you lay your hands on the stone can you hear echoes of conversations in Latin?
Je suis tombee sur ton blogue en passant par celui de Britt-Arnold. J'apprecie l'immense beaute que tu captes dans ton appareil-photo.
I shall return, as Napoleon once said.
Haaannn! Quelle chance! dépositaire del'Histoire du monde en plus!de véritable sculpture que tu mets en valeur dans ton écrin de verdure!
Merci a tous pour vos gentils commentaires, ils me touchent beaucoup.
Caroline, je vais de ce pas te rendre visite.
Thank you all, I also appreciate my old stones, and even if I don't hear Latin small talks, our ancestors are living their with us, we never forget.
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