Le Lion garde l'entree du temple du clan Khoo, dans sa gueule se trouve un boule de pierre sculptee en meme temps que l'animal, on tourne la pierre pour appeler la chance et la prosperite et tout un tas de bonnes choses sur soi et sa descendance bien sur.
The lion is the guardian of the Khoo Temple, you will find in his mouth a rolling stone carved inside, you gently put your hand to roll it so that it will bring luck and prosperity for you and your family.
The forefathers of the Khoo family who emigrated from South China built it as a clanhouse for members of the Khoo family in 1851. It was burnt down in 1894, allegedly struck by lightning, and the Chinese believed that it was due to its resemblance to the Emperor's palace, which provoked the gods. A scaled-down version was later built in 1902 and completed in 1906. (source Wikipedia)
La collection des tablettes dediees aux ancetres, c'est un exemple de la relegion taoiste qui veut que les ancetres soient respectes et veneres durant toute la duree de notre propre vie, car c'est bien grace a eux que nous somme vivants aujourd'hui et grace a leur bonne vlonte selon les Taoistes si nous sommes en plus en bonne sante et capables d'assurer notre subsistance.
Si ca ne va pas, c'est que vous n'avez pas fait correctement votre devoir envers eux.
In front of Gods Ong Soon and Tua Sai, two beautiful celadon encense bowls.
Ici, je ne connais pas le nom de ce Dieu dans la salle principale, remarquez comme le vase en bronze est beau, sur les cotes se trouvent des tetes de lion sculptees.
7 commentaires:
KItem these are amazing photo's. They are beautiful. All I could say while looking at them is wow..
Yes it is. This must be a traditional Taoism temple. I always find it fascinating to visit them. :)
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Nice photographs of the temple. I dont think I visited this temple when I was in Penang.
Cool with the translation. Very neat indeed.
I keep thinking about the skill and artistry that it took to carve the ball in the mouth of that lion as the artist was making it. All around in your pictures I see beautiful details that were patiently created.
Hi Kitem, I have a quiz in today's post. You might like to view them. :)
Looks like you are having a wonderful time Kitem.
When will you ba back in France?
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